Friday, August 24, 2012

Skinny Post-Vacation Vegan Cleanse

Summer is fading away.  The Back-to-School section of Target is set up, which is how you know the end is near.  I took the summer off blogging, and weight watchers, and the time has come to get back into both.  While I haven't put on an extrodianry amount of weight (thank you portion control), I do need to get back into a healthier diet.  I just got back from vacation in France and Spain where the food is often too delicious to pass up seconds (not one, not two, but three dishes of Patatas Bravas at La Dolça Herminia in Barcelona), so I think a cleanse is in order.  Now when I say "cleanse," I am by no means talking about an insane lemonade fast, or chalky shakes, or even this weird cookie thing.  I'm talking about a clean, healthy, vegan diet loaded with fresh fruit, veggies, beans, nuts, and rice.  I am going to post recipes later in the week as I make them, but above is a pic of my menu board for the week.  The menu chalkboard is a great way to visualize your meals for the week.  I list all the dishes I plan on making in a week, then cross them off as I make them.  This way, I can keep track of everything and don't end up wasting fresh produce hidden in the crisper drawer because I forgot I was going to make zucchini fritters...or beet cake...or jalapeno get the idea.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brit, this looks awesome! I can't wait to hear your recipe for the mushroom hazelnut salad. Sounds like the perfect Fall dish.
